Thursday, April 23, 2009

10 things since last week.

1. Finals are over. yay!

2. I just spent the last two hours trying to figure out how to make a photo collage on my Mac.
No luck. I'm frustrated.
Someone please tell me how.
Because of this, you get no pictures.

3. The weather this week was wonderful.
We took a study break on Tuesday to go out to dinner. And then dessert.
(Yes, I have pictures but I want to make a photo collage with them first)

4. At about 10 pm last night, I got a phone call from my estranged landlord announcing that she is coming over to do cleaning checks.
In the three years that I have lived in this apartment, she has never done anything like this.
So, we spent hours and hours cleaning every square inch of the apartment.
The place was spotless.
She came in and looked at ONE room. That's it.
On the bright side, the place looks fantastic.

5. Afterwards, we decided to celebrate out awesome roommate cleaning.
We went to dinner. And did other awesome things.
(Yes, I have pictures but you don't get to see them until I figure out how to make them into collage form)

5. If you know me, you know that I wear black. A lot.
Awhile back a friend dared me not to wear black for an entire week.
It wasn't easy though, I don't have many colored items.
The moment the week was up though, I went right back to wearing all my black.
But, I decided I need to expand my wardrobe so I went out an bought a new shirt today.
It's pink.

6. Michelle got a root canal. haha.

7. My dear friend Mari-Michelle had a birthday last week.
She had a rockin' party and the best part was that it was catered.
Great food.
I discovered "cake balls" for the first time ever. Delicious.
Cake balls. Look them up. Make them.
(Yes, I have pictures, but I do not have a collage)

8. Dr. Macedone had a "Fear Factor" party for the Chemistry TAs.
You were supposed to bring a date. Since my significant other lives in Oregon, I asked Ally to be my date.
She stood me up.
So, I was set up with another TA who didn't have a date.
His name was Jubal.
The party was a blast, though. It really was.
(Pictures? yes. Collage? no)

9. Erik finally convinced me to go rock climbing with him.
I was so stressed out and was emotional/bratty the entire time.
Now I feel bad.
I will go back with him another time to redeem myself.
Also, when he picks me up to drive me to the airport tomorrow morning, I will have breakfast for him.

10. Tomorrow I am flying to Washington.
Then a week later I am going to Portland.
That weekend I am going to California.
Then I'm going back to Portland to stay until mid-June. Yay!

P.S. This post is WAY to long. Sorry about that.


Ashlie said...

Jubal Joselyn?

paul said...

You bought pink?! Whoah!

Joel & Megan said...

wow!! busy week, but sounds like fun!

The little Lowes said...

Hey Cousin! Sounds like you have been busy. It was so nice to see you last weekend! Tell Ally hi too. Love ya, Vanessa.

Suzy said...

I don't know how to make a picture collage. Sorry. I wish I did. I'd love to see your pictures. Fun to read about your life!